Tab for Black Lives Matter is a Chrome new tab extension where you can interact with petitions to sign, places to donate, and articles to read around (PIC) prison-industrial complex abolition. It also features selected art by Black artists. Our goal is to have embedded ads that generate revenue for BLM/prison abolitionist organizations (that users can choose). Ultimately, we want to create an accessible way to remain involved in the BLM movement on a daily basis, that is sustainable beyond this moment.
Black Lives Matter is currently a #trending movement, and that might even be the reason you've come to this page. However, we want to ensure that once the movement is no longer #trending, people stay actively engaged and learning about these issues. Tab for Black Lives Matter will continue to bring you these current updates well past the news cycle.
We want to eventually put advertisements on Tab for Black Lives Matter in order to raise money for organizations that empower Black people. However, in order to do this, we need to gain about 1,000 users of Tab for Black Lives Matter to start putting advertisements on our website. So, just by downloading and sharing the extension, you're helping us achieve our goal.
Download and share the extension so we can work towards bringing advertisements to our platform!
Tab for Black Lives Matter was actually created at a virtual hackathon, Hack for Black Lives Matter hosted by NYC Coders. However, the four creators of this extension, Andrea Gonzales, Christopher Lee, Lena Renshaw, and Nathan Lewis, now manage and update this extension on their own.
We use just a tiny bit of storage in your Google Chrome to store articles, petitions, and donation funds that you care about most. This way, you can easily reference them in the future. We will never share or save your data!
Yes! If you find a page externally that you would like to save you can click on the Tab for Black Lives Matter icon in the extensions bar (usually near the top right of of the window). From there you will be able to add whatever page you are on directly into your saved resources for the future.